Sunday, 24 August 2014

The guidance of nature and the seasons

Nature is a constant guide in my life that teaches me the way of the universe. Every morning I am in awe of the sun rising and every evening I am in awe of the sun setting. How does it know to do that?

Even when times are hard in my life I can feel the love of the universe beaming its light straight into my heart. I have come to the conclusion that the universe is generous and loving, consistent and kind. Full of love for me if I am quiet enough to feel, touch, see, hear and smell it. The world is a miracle just as we all are, and I love to feel the seasons guiding my life.

I adore the still and silent days of winter followed by the excitement of a bursting spring, the expanding embracing summer and then the abundant autumn dripping with universal bounty.

Let nature be your guiding teacher in all things and follow its seasons with all of your heart. Einstein used to ask the same question daily:
“Is the universe friendly?”
He concluded that it was and look at the ‘downloading’ he received from quietly reflecting on the stars.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Homeopathy can open up a whole new magical world.

Homeopathy has been a way of life for me for 30 years. After endless visits to hospitals in my teens and early twenties with stomach aches I looked like a little stick insect weighing not much more than 6 stone!

I remember gingerly asking a bowel specialist if what I was eating could be causing my stomach aches. He looked at me with a scowl for daring to question him and told me to not be so ridiculous. “Of course food doesn’t affect your stomach, don’t be so foolish!” he was one of the country’s top stomach and bowel specialists at the time!

Doctors have come on a little since then, it sounds like the dark ages not the 1980’s. Whilst in hospital for the umpteenth time and deciding that the hospital food of cauliflower cheese and pasta was making me worse, I discharged myself and decided that ‘there must be another way.’
As I was making my way out of the hospital almost on my hands and knees with pain, a patient opposite in the ward gave me a card for a homeopath. I didn’t even know what it meant but I went along, desperate for help.

The homeopath took one look at me and said “this is classic intolerance to dairy and wheat stop eating them now” I did and my stomach stopped aching after a few days. Along with homeopathy he helped me back to health and I am eternally grateful for his guidance and love, after being written off by the doctors as it “all being in my head.”

This was the start of my journey into complimentary health and I am passionate about sharing helpful information with anyone who is ready to listen. Usually it takes an illness or a shock or bereavement before we are ready to start to question the status quo, but once we do, as all of you therapists know, a whole magical world opens up before our eyes.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Loving life and helping others on their path to happiness

Someone said to me the other day, “it’s all right for you, how do you know what suffering feels like?”

When you step up as a teacher people tend to project their beliefs and judgements all over you! I have worked long and hard on myself for the last 20 years changing myself from desperately anxious, ill all the time and really not sure if I wanted to be here at all, into someone who loves life. It is easy to think that life has always been that way for me and when someone is suffering it is hard for them to see that maybe my path has been pretty tough along the way too.

It’s always a matter of perspective and I no longer dwell on the past, preferring instead to see that everything I experienced both joyous and devastating has given me the tools, and skills to work with people who are in the pit of despair or anxiety. When I look back at my life I hardly recognise that sad and lonely young girl. It feels so alien to my life now and yet when I sit counselling another I can touch back to those dark days and offer a guiding light for someone else to follow.
I was so fortunate (although I think I created it with my constant enquiry) to have wonderful older and wiser people walk into my life at just the right time and offer me a hand out of the darkness and guide me gently into the light.

Now I love to reach behind me and grab the hands of those who are seeking peace from their troubled minds.

What fun it is walking this path together, is there anywhere better to be in the universe than HERE, RIGHT NOW! Thank you to all my teachers in the seen and unseen worlds for you love and patience whilst I walked towards the light.

Monday, 18 August 2014

"Ask and it is Given is the roadmap to self-upliftment and a joyous life.”

One of my favourite books is ‘Ask and it is Given’ by Abraham Hicks.

I love the simple techniques they give to help change thinking from negativity to positivity. It really is easy the only thing you need to do is to apply the teachings, then watch your life transform.

My favourite teaching is the placemat lesson. Get a piece of paper. Divide it in half, write at the top of one half ‘My To do List’ then list all the things that you want to achieve today but make it manageable. Write only a few things that you really know you can get done. On the other half of the paper write ‘My Universal Managers list’ then list all the things on your mind that need doing. Hand it all over to your universal manager and let it go, knowing it will all get done in perfect timing and unexpected ways.

I find that my Universal Manager list tends to get done before my list! It really does work. Hand it over and watch that list get sorted easily and without any input from you!
Here is what the lovely Jack Canfield who wrote ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ has to say:

“These incredibly profound, yet simple and practical teachings of Abraham will have you trusting your inner guidance again, and will set you on course for the most uplifting adventures imaginable. Ask and It Is Given is the roadmap to self-upliftment and a joyous life.”

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Brand NEW Zephorium Workshops Coming Soon!

We will be running Zephorium workshops from September to facilitate therapists in using and selecting our products and to show how to recommend them to your clients. Some of our stockists are massage therapists, many are reiki masters, homeopaths, naturopaths, healers, yoga teachers and more.

We are formulating workshops for therapists in general, for massage therapists and spiritual teachers and also one for the general public to come and experience the products in all their glory. If you are interested in these let me know and we will forward more information when we have sorted out dates.

After a day spent in the aura of the sprays and oils the natural aromatherapy smells can really lift your spirits. I love making the products and they are all still hand made. At the end of a day’s production I am literally floating on air. I fall in love with the smells each time I make them. Today I have been making the yellow citrine oils and the grapefruit, lemon and lime is still wafting around my nose keeping me feeling lifted and joyful – I love knowing I am a powerful creator and so are you! I repeat the affirmation to anchor the aroma and crystal energy into my aura.

“I am abundant in everything I ask for, I receive with gratitude.”