Monday, 18 August 2014

"Ask and it is Given is the roadmap to self-upliftment and a joyous life.”

One of my favourite books is ‘Ask and it is Given’ by Abraham Hicks.

I love the simple techniques they give to help change thinking from negativity to positivity. It really is easy the only thing you need to do is to apply the teachings, then watch your life transform.

My favourite teaching is the placemat lesson. Get a piece of paper. Divide it in half, write at the top of one half ‘My To do List’ then list all the things that you want to achieve today but make it manageable. Write only a few things that you really know you can get done. On the other half of the paper write ‘My Universal Managers list’ then list all the things on your mind that need doing. Hand it all over to your universal manager and let it go, knowing it will all get done in perfect timing and unexpected ways.

I find that my Universal Manager list tends to get done before my list! It really does work. Hand it over and watch that list get sorted easily and without any input from you!
Here is what the lovely Jack Canfield who wrote ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ has to say:

“These incredibly profound, yet simple and practical teachings of Abraham will have you trusting your inner guidance again, and will set you on course for the most uplifting adventures imaginable. Ask and It Is Given is the roadmap to self-upliftment and a joyous life.”

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