Monday, 29 September 2014

The weather and our thoughts!

Monday mornings always intrigue me. Being self-employed I am blessed with not having the Monday morning blues that I see so many people afflicted with. I don’t know if you have noticed this but on a Monday morning the weather is often cloudy and grey. I must have too much time on my hands as I decided to run an experiment to see if Mondays were unusually grey. My limited and un-scientific research (sitting and looking out of the window) showed me that Mondays were indeed mostly grey. Often the day starts off brightly but by the time it’s time for people to go to work the clouds roll in and I am convinced it is directly caused by our collective feelings about Mondays.  Almost a sinking feeling that clouds our lives.
Look at this picture I took in Wincanton Somerset on a Monday morning just before commuter time. One side free and easy, the other side heavy and overcast! See what I mean?

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Not being swayed by others opinions

People pleasing is such a painful sport! Having spent at least half of my life doing it, I became expert about worrying what others thought of me. These days I don’t give a hoot! What you think and say about me really is none of my business. It is the most liberating practice that we can do – letting go of other people’s opinions about us.

Co-dependency is an addictive process, where other people’s opinions, values and thoughts take over our minds and become more important than what we think…… it is usually a pattern of behaviour learnt at a young age from parents with addiction issues of various kinds, but it can be triggered by other fearful experiences too.  In a world that feels dangerous or unsafe to us as children, in order to survive, we mould ourselves to how others would like us to be in order to please them.

It has taken me years to learn to let go of that belief, when you first start to take back your power it can feel frightening and unsafe. Given practice, and trust me the universe will give you practice, you can become liberated from other peoples expectation of you..

These days I don’t care about others opinions and I feel totally liberated!

“The opinion which other people have of you
Is their problem not yours.”
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Monday, 22 September 2014

Peace is abundant

It is easy to think the world is a fearful place. If you watch the news or get wrapped up in others stories of the world it is easy to get drawn into the world of drama and fear. I never listen to the news, I would rather spend my time carving out the world I do want and I know in order to do that I have to focus on a world that is of my making and not believe in a world according to another person’s belief.

I believe the world is a kind, safe, fun, abundant environment in which to thrive and that is my daily focus. We are in a universe of Like Attracting Like and so we do get that which we focus on. The world is filled with wonderful people doing the very best they can everyday of their lives. I refuse to have my world disrupted by a handful of people bent on hatred and war.

If everyone began to focus on creating their own world of peace and took their minds off the world leaders, the most wonderful thing would happen, the leaders would sound the call for war and NOBODY WOULD TURN UP!

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Inspirational Women - Anne Yarwood

So many people come and go in our lives but there are those that remain permanently seated in our hearts. I am blessed beyond words to have met Anne Yarwood 20 years ago when I was on my knees. She picked me up, dusted me down and set me forth on my spiritual journey with great love, compassion and kindly sternness!

A powerful campaigner of justice throughout her life she honed her skills as a counsellor with years of experience in understanding how people tick. Now in her 80’s she is still fighting for justice where she sees an imbalance of power. Always busy plotting and setting forth campaigns to help change the world.

Anne has always encouraged me and listens with the biggest open heart imaginable. She is a beautiful woman and I love her combination of gentle strength and powerful ‘NO’. She has opened her house for 40 years to seekers of truth and Anne along with her husband David, are two people who live the truth like shinning beacons of light.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Creation as our natural state

I have studied about 24 of the world’s main religions over the years and have come to some conclusions that work for me. I believe we are the God/Source we are looking for and creation is the expansion of that Source energy. When we look through our telescopes, we see the universe whizzing away from us in all directions at the speed of light. That is 186,282 miles per second. Per second! Can you get your mind around that? That is the force of life that we are immersed in and it is such a glorious feeling to know that you a part of that expansion. I have never seen a God anywhere in my studies, but I have seen acts of God being carried out by others, or through nature.

My conclusion is that WE are the Source we are looking for and we are capable of creating anything we want.

Our expansion is only as creative as our minds, so spend time expanding your mind every day. Get your head around some of the bigger concepts that are rolling around the planet at the moment and become a conscious creator rather than a bystander in this miraculous experience.

Forget Brian Cox, have a listen to those who are creating the future! Swimme is the author of The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos and The Universe is a Green Dragon. He is co-author of The Universe Story, which is the result of a ten year collaboration with cultural historian, Thomas Berry. Swimme is also the creator of three educational video series: Canticle to the Cosmos, The Earth’s Imagination, and The Powers of the Universe. Most recently he co-wrote and hosted the 60 minute film Journey of the Universe.

If you want to hear cosmology as it was 50 years ago listen to the BBC. If you want to hear it as it is, listen to Swimme, he will blow you away!