Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Keeping your body as flexible as you can and growing old youthfully

30 years ago when I first went to see a chiropractor with a bad back she said to me: whatever else you do or don’t do, keep your body a flexible as you can. She explained that as we age we can tighten and all our ligaments and muscles become rigid and inflexible, then everything can snap easily and tripping up a curb can cause a broken hip. So I do my best with my Yoga and old ballet exercises to keep my body long and stretched. Not easy to do when there are so many other demands on my time these days, but an essential part of my maintenance package. I have every intention of growing older as youthfully as I can. My Great Aunts Bobby and Billie grew up in the roaring 1920’s doing the Charleston, and both maintained excellent health and vitality into their nineties by doing a daily yoga practice. It was not uncommon to walk into my Aunt Bobby’s house and find her standing on her head well into her late eighties. What an inspiration they both were to me.

With love
Sarah x

Monday, 11 July 2016

Cleansing Your Crystals

Sometimes it’s easy to forget that our crystals need energy cleaning just like we do. As vibration is the basis of this universe and energy attraction is an important part of that vibration, it is really important to remember to clean the crystals every few months. Take a big bowl of warm water and put a big tablespoon of good quality sea salt into the warm water. Give it a stir to dissolve. Place all the crystals in the bowl and leave for about 12 hours in sunlight if you can. It can be on a windowsill if you don’t have an outdoor space. Wash the crystals in clean cold water and leave the crystals to dry on a towel on a sunny windowsill. It’s great to leave them for 1 day and 1 night so that they are cleansed by the sun and moon energy. Full moon is a great time to clean your crystals. Some crystals dissolve in salt water so make sure you check before you clean.

With love

Sarah X

Tuesday, 5 July 2016


Am working on my authenticity at the moment and really trying to ‘be it’ in everything I say and do. When I took my vow to be an Ordained Multi-Faith Minister back in 2007 I set my self a really high goal. My vow was this: - I vow to be the presence of love in everything I say, everything I think, and everything I do. Needless to say I fail miserable in that much of the time. I have learned that failing is fine, it’s the getting up and trying again, day after day that is important to me. When I am authentic it can often upset those around me and I am learning that it is ok to not please everyone else all the time. My challenge is to stay in my authenticity no matter what anyone else thinks or says about me, and although this was really difficult at first, is getting easier with practice. It’s such a relief to know that I don’t have to please anyone else. My job is to please me, be authentic and trust that in the truth as I see it, everything will work our just fine.

Sarah x