I have known Brix for many years now and watched her attending my workshops and working really hard on her own ‘stuff’ to clear away the years of trauma. She has emerged into a beautiful and wonderful psychic medium and this has enabled her to write a book about her journey in a loving and clear way. Devoid of judgement or blame she tells her story with unparalleled honesty, and boy what a journey she has had….From famous band The Fall, her marriage to Nigel Kennedy, to Clothes Guru with Gok Wan and back to her band, she has had a seriously wild ride! I loved this book, it’s so rare to read a story of a life that comes from resolution and not anger or resentment. I highly recommend you buy this and read it!! Brilliant well done Brix
To win a copy just answer the simple question below and email it back to us. (info@zephorium.com)
Where is the best Frankincense from in the world?
(hint: the answer can be found on our previous blog post!)
We will pull the winner out of a hat on 15th June 2015 |

At Zephorium we believe that our thoughts create reality! Positive affirmations help to change our focus and take back control of our lives. Written by Sarah, Zephorium's founder, you will discover all about her teachings of self empowerment, her experiences and her profound outlook on life. Plus all the latest on the happenings at Zephorium Soul Tonic HQ. www.zephorium.com
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
Our review of the wonderful The Rise, The Fall And The Rise by Brix Smith Start, plus win a copy!
How Frankincense is emerging as the new 'wonder oil'
I have always loved Frankincense, it is the main ingredient in our Indigo products along with patchouli oil. I have sourced the best oil from Oman which was used 9000 years ago for healing and burnt for its curative and cleansing qualities. I love its uplifting yet woody earthy scent and the way it lifts the brain chemistry into exulted states of contemplation. More and more research is emerging about this wonderful oil and the benefits it has to humans (and animals). I always wondered why, according to the bible, Frankincense, Myrrh and Gold were given to Mary at the birth of Jesus, but it seems these ancient people new a thing or two about healing! Science tells us it has 17 active ingredients that our bodies love.
Frankincense is emerging as a ‘wonder’ oil and is being used not only as an aid to spiritual attainment by religious and spiritual seekers, but is also being shown to heal diseases including brain tumours. I was always taught that aromatherapy needs to be diluted and used sparingly but new research is changing this, and one drop taken on the tongue has many positive health benefits (always consult a trained aromatherapist first). Not only does it work well for stress and anxiety but it is also antiseptic, immune boosting, anti-aging, eliminates coughs, stops cancer spreading and is great for digestion. Ladies, it’s great for Uterine and breast health so rubbing directly on belly, breasts and neck area is great for your overall health…..
Shop our Frankincense collection here.
Love Sarah x
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